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About Me

Hi! I'm Natalie!

I am a fierce woman!


I can roar like a lion but also have a powerfully, sappy side to me as well.


I feel the hurts of other women, and I am eager to come alongside to empower and inspire. 


I am a part of a sisterhood of fierceness that connects one to another and grows leaps and bounds. 


I believe nothing makes a woman more beautiful than a big, bright smile and a bold infectious laugh!


My name? I am Natalie. 

Natalie Blake. 

An Ohioan. 

Day Spa owner. 

I own vacation rental properties. 

Natty Girl Handbag Company…. yes, that too.


I am that author whose mission is to uplift others. My first book, "The Fierce Woman Inspirational," releasing this fall, will showcase everyday women with inspiring life stories. 


I am a proud wife, mother, and even grandmother to a beautiful, sassy little granddaughter who keeps her Gigi hopping! 


That's me! 


Now, I want to know about you. I invite you to read my blog, engage, comment, and share. 


Through this blog, I hope to touch your hearts and connect you with other women that share the same struggles, life lessons, and inspiring events to let you know that you are not alone. 


We are a SISTERHOOD! Let's Go! 

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