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Not For Sale


Photo by Pacific Mist Photography / Creator Agnes Szuberla


Child sex trafficking is a troubling and hard topic to talk about, but every person needs to be aware of the real threats to children that go on every day in our country.

Most recently I have been involved with women’s charities that work to help fight against sex trafficking. After hearing the horrific stories, my heart was deeply touched and I knew I had to do something to help make a difference in this world. Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar criminal industry that steals victim’s freedom and in some cases physically forces victims to sell sex and work under inhumane and unacceptable conditions.

When you think of sex trafficking you might think of the movie “Taken” where girls are kidnapped and moved to other countries. Well I’m here to tell you some of the myths behind sex trafficking and help bring awareness so we can all work together to keep our families and communities safe.

MYTH: Trafficking involves traveling or moving across borders.

FACT: Trafficking does not require movement across borders, and in some cases, a child could be trafficked right from their own home. Some of the most frequent places trafficking occurs are at hotels, motels, truck stops and online.

MYTH: People being trafficked are held against their will or physically unable to leave.

FACT: Not to say this misconception can’t be real at times because trafficking can involve force, but traffickers also lure our youth in by posing as a friend offering meals or gifts or just a sympathetic ear. This recruitment can happen almost anywhere, including our schools, malls, sporting events, social media sites, and job opportunities that appeal to young people such as modeling.

What’s even scarier is that traffickers are no longer strangers to their victims but someone they know and even trust. With this trust in place, the trafficker no longer needs to kidnap their victims because they have formed a relationship through manipulation and sometimes financial dependence. Sadly to say, it’s not uncommon for parents or family members to sell children for sex in exchange for money, drugs or something of value to them.

We as a community must be aware of all the ways these traffickers lure their victims in and educate our children through discussions on human trafficking.

I challenge you to find a way to do your small part in helping to fight back against sex trafficking and help make a difference in this world.

With the sale of every one of my books, the “Fierce Woman Inspirational”, I will be giving portion of the proceeds to charities that help fight against sex trafficking.

Natalie Blake


What small part can you do to help in the fight against sex trafficking?

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